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Team of Industrial Engineers

InPro Modules

InPro…Become a PRO Performer from the INside-Out starting today! 

(with True Colors)

The InPro Self-Awareness (with True Colors) Module is extremely valuable for your entire organization – from your first line employees to C-Suite Executives!  This module incorporates active learning strategies and workplace specific scenarios to enhance learning and future application.  As a Certified True Colors Facilitator, Dr. Coggin helps clients develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others by utilizing both the hard-copy and on-line True Color Personality Assessments.  The True Colors Program cultivates understanding of the four primary personality types in the workplace, sports, academics, family, and across all aspects of life.  The ease of understanding and use in all human relationships and interactions make the True Colors highly relevant to holistic performance outcomes.  This module enhances human capital skills and facilitates organizational excellence through higher engagement, improved communication, and increased teamwork. 


This training event is extremely high-energy, valuable, and fun!  The Self-Awareness (With True Colors) module helps organizations identify, appreciate, and aim individuals' unique contributions toward shared goals.  As participants learn more about their unique strengths and preferences, they will also begin to recognize and value diversity in their organization.  Without a doubt, this InPro Module will help your staff become more successful team players, collaborators, leaders, thinkers, and innovators.  By investing in this training opportunity, you will cultivate an organizational culture where members feel empowered, heard, and understood.  This culture will drive higher levels of engagement, attendance, commitment, and inspire individuals to strive for their most competent and confident versions of themselves.  InPro Self-Awareness (with True Colors) Module generates healthy, productive relationships and teams whose successes flow from the strengths and talents of each person. 

​INPRO MODULE 2:  Mindfulness

The InPro Mindfulness Module is extremely valuable for your entire organization – from your first line employees to C-Suite Executives!  This module incorporates active learning strategies and workplace specific scenarios to enhance learning and future application.  Mindfulness helps individuals and teams more effectively manage stress, enhance critical thinking, improve problem solving, and increase overall job satisfaction.  Mindfulness cultivates greater enthusiasm for life, while also boosting self-esteem, confidence, and workplace performance.  Furthermore, Mindfulness training leads to healthier social interaction, refined communications, and elevated positive organizational behavior.


In this training event, participants will learn how to improve their focus, attention to detail, stress management, and decision-making skills through easy to grasp mindfulness techniques.  Participants will learn how to live in the present (“The Now”) more effectively and develop a willingness to embrace new expectations and think outside of the box.  This module helps individuals develop more “mindful strategies” through a variety of hands-on holistic in-class/at-home activities.  The total body practices taught in this program concentrates on enhanced self-regulation through innovative breathing and relaxation techniques.  Furthermore, participants learn how to assess their unique reactions to workplace situations with renewed calmness and clarity of thought.  Mindfulness helps reduce negative organizational behavior such as greed, hatred, resentment, restlessness, and arrogance through proper identification and remediation practices.  This InPro Mindfulness Module will net organizations huge victories in workplace relations, communications, attendance, and overall workplace morale.

INPRO MODULE 3:  Emotional Intelligence

The InPro Emotional Intelligence Module is extremely valuable for your entire organization – from your first line employees to C-Suite Executives!  This module incorporates active learning strategies and workplace specific scenarios to enhance learning and future application.  Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a person’s ability to recognize, understand, and control their emotions.  EI also enhances one’s ability to recognize and understand others’ emotions to better lead or affect desired change.  Bottom Line…Emotional Intelligence is knowing how to effectively handle emotions to improve relationships and enhance day-to-day performance. 


This InPro Module helps participants recognize, name, and more effectively regulate their “hot button” emotions that hinder relationships and performance.  The EI tactics learned in this module will help participants become more self-aware and make better assumptions about how others perceive their actions.  Participants will learn how to tactfully seek out feedback regarding how they cope with stress, change, conflict, and communicate with others.  From this feedback, participants will learn how to reflect, journal, and adjust their emotional responses as required.  Furthermore, participants will learn how to move from a negative “fixed mindset” to a positive “growth mindset” in their life.  Finally, EI training offered in this module will enhance participants ability to speak, listen, and respond both verbally and non-verbally.  Organizations will reap significant dividends by recognizing/hiring individuals with high EI and developing EI in their existing teams.

INPRO MODULE 4:  Psychological Capital (PsyCap)

The InPro Psychological Capital (PsyCap) Module is extremely valuable for your entire organization – from your first line employees to C-Suite Executives!  This module incorporates active learning strategies and workplace specific scenarios to enhance learning and future application.  Psychological Capital with its four components of Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, and Optimism (HERO) has been scientifically linked to life satisfaction, holistic well-being, and overall performance.  This InPro training module measures and helps teach participants how to enhance PsyCap levels in their organization and beyond. 


In this module, PsyCap levels will be assessed utilizing the approved PsyCap questionnaire.   Based upon the assessment results and analysis, participants will be taught how to improve Self and others’ PsyCap Levels.  The following activities will be taught in order to develop the four HERO PsyCap components.  Hope is enhanced by generating goals that are personally valuable and reasonably challenging, that also include a clear beginning and ending point.  Efficacy comes from laying out individual steps to accomplish specific goals.  Additionally, self-confidence is elevated by seeking out role models who have achieved similar goals.  Resilience comes from building awareness of positive assets such as one’s specific talents, skills, and social networks.  Furthermore, developing strategies to overcome obstacles to one’s goals can boost resilience.  Finally, Optimism is cultivated by generating paths to one’s goals and overcoming obstacles to increase positive expectations.  As our expectations for success increase, so will our optimism. 

INPRO MODULE 5:  Accelerated Wisdom

The InPro Accelerated Wisdom Module is extremely valuable for your entire organization – from your first line employees to C-Suite Executives!  This module incorporates active learning strategies and workplace specific scenarios to enhance learning and future application.  Wisdom does not have to be rigidly bound to one’s biological age, degree completion, or years of service.  Research findings indicate that wisdom can be developed by intentionally creating “moments that matter” and by taking full advantage of coachable opportunities.  Wisdom Acceleration results in better decision making, improved safety practices, and enhanced performance outcome.  Furthermore, Accelerated Wisdom gives individuals greater understanding of how to cope with the complexities and stresses encountered in the workplace and beyond.  


The goals of this InPro Accelerated Wisdom Module are to help participants recognize and successfully pursue more direct pathways to wisdom obtainment.  In this training, wisdom is accelerated through individual/group role playing, case-studies, and team building activities.  Participants learn how to assess their current wisdom levels and develop actionable goals to achieve desired wisdom levels across a particular time horizon.  Participants will learn how to leverage life experiences, secure effective mentoring, and practice daily introspection to advance their wisdom scores.  Aspects of social and emotional intelligence will be introduced to facilitate the acquisition of wisdom.  Finally, participants will acquire the appreciation for adhering to core values, recognizing the power/limitations of knowledge, practicing humility, embracing uncertainty, and appreciating the dynamics of life.  Organizations will see tremendous gains in teamwork, creativity, and bottom-line performance when wisdom is accelerated. 

INPRO MODULE 6:  Self-Regulated Performance

The InPro Self-Regulated Performance Module is extremely valuable for your entire organization – from your first line employees to C-Suite Executives!  This module incorporates active learning strategies and workplace specific scenarios to enhance learning and future application.  Self-Regulated Performance is not an innate ability, but rather a skill that can be cultivated to help individuals adaptively guide themselves through complex performance processes.  Developing these skills allow individuals to perform more effectively because they are able to set clear performance goals, adapt performance strategies as necessary, and then perform a thorough “after action review/hot wash” following their performance event to make adjustments as required for the future.  Bottom Line…Self-Regulated Performance is about becoming more proactive and less reactive in order to maximize performance outcomes.


The InPro Self-Regulated Performance Module has three primary objectives.  The first is helping participants learn how to effectively plan their performance.  This involves developing detailed strategies, goals, and sub-goals for a given assignment/project.  The second objective is to teach participants how to monitor their performance.  This requires learning how to observe the gameplan effectiveness and make course corrections when obstacles arise.  Finally, participants will become proficient at evaluating their performance following their activity/assignment.  Individuals will learn how to analyze assignment outcomes based upon their goals and determine root causes for performance shortfalls.  Most importantly, participants will understand the value of attributing performance outcomes to their efforts, rather than blaming poor performance on external factors or other team members.  Self-Regulated Performance is a game changer in today’s highly competitive global marketplace…organizations win when teammates reach their full potential. 


Jeffrey “Cog” Coggin, PhD

Dr. Jeff Coggin is an independent consultant who holds a PhD in Human Capital Development and specializes in maximizing performance outcomes.  Dr. Coggin is a retired Air Force Officer with nearly 25 years as a Human Resource Specialist, Financial Manager, and Leadership/Communication Professor at the Defense Financial Management and Comptroller School at Air University.  Dr. Coggin also served as an adjunct business professor at Huntingdon College, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, William Carey University, and an Assistant Aerospace Science Professor at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.  Dr. Coggin is currently a Senior Aerospace Science Instructor in the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Program.   

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